Update February 9th ...

Sponsors and Advertisers

St. Matthews (Highfield) Club

Billinge Road


Select - A - Carpet

WILLOW Printing & Design

Wigan Borough

2UP Bowls

Uncle Joe's Mint Balls

Alan Jones Funeral Directors


Mr Allan Jewellers

Bowls News

09/02/25    Email from kenneth Moffitt [kenmoff.32sedge@btinternet.com], ". Safeguarding Officers DBS certificates are due to expire this year. To this end a session has been arranged where they can be renewed on Saturday 22nd February from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm at St Matthew's Hall. A reminder that two forms of identification are needed..Thanks, Ken Moffitt. " Thanks Chris. H.

09/02/25     Email from  alanhough1949@gmail.com, "The Carlsberg Tetley Saturday league invite new teams to join the league for the 2025 season. The league currently comprises 10 teams , 8 players per team, gents and ladies, playing every Saturday from April to September, commencing 1.30 pm. Entry is £70 per team. If you would like to apply to join the league in 2025 please email   alanhough1949@gmail.com  no later than 13 February, giving team name, green venue and a contact name (with phone and email details). A league formation meeting is planned for 20 February in Pemberton Conservative club at 7.30pm. Alan." Thanks Chris. H.

09/02/25    Sad news from Harry Butler, "Alan Cowley died on 14/1/25 aged 87. His funeral is at Wigan Crematorium 1400hrs 11/2/2025." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. Higham.

20/11/24    Sorry I'm late in publishing this Sad News (Holidays):- "Brian Sheridan of St Peter’s Bowling Team sadly passed away in Wigan and Leigh Hospice on Sunday 10.11.24. I have been informed by his daughter Anne that his Funeral will be at Wigan Crematorium on Wednesday 27.11.24 at 11.00 am and afterwards at Wigan Cricket Club Bull Hey. Anyone wishing to send Sympathy Cards, her address is Broadhurst Lane, Wrightington, Wigan WN69RY. Anyone wishing to give a donation please do to Wigan & Leigh Hospice. Gordon Prescott

Reg Lowe passed away on 29th October. He played for Bispham hall and Orrell ymca. He was 90, Rod Semmens, son in law; Colin Benfold passed away at home on 18th October aged 83. Colin was a member of Wigan Parish BC for 40 years. He was a much loved Husband, Dad and Granddad. His funeral will take place at St John’s Standishgate on Tuesday 12th November at 11:15am, then afterwards at Charnock Richard Crematorium and Aspull Rugby Union Club. .Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

25/10/24     Update from Jack Marrow, "Date of my Granddad Bernard Marrow funeral is Thursday 14th November at St. Bernadette's Church, Shevington. 11.30am. Then on to the Crematorium at Charnock Richard, 12.30pm, from there to Gathurst Golf Club." Again deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. Higham.

13/10/24     Sad news from Stan Grimshaw, "Sad to say, Bernard Marrow died last Wednesday aged 93. He was a famous north western bowler winning massive competitions. I, Chris. Higham, was lucky enough to bowl with him for Hinds Head in the LEYLAND & DISTRICT CROWN GREEN BOWLING LEAGUE. An incredible bowler and a nice man." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. Higham.

20/09/24     Email from Keith Harris, "St Matthews bowling club has some nights available for team wishing to play on a very good green. We have slots on Mondays, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday evening's and Saturday afternoon. If you want to come along and bowl on St Matthews bowling green, or more information please see below. Contact Keith Harris/07486-110383. Email, keithharris584@yahoo.com Regards Keith Harris, St Matthews. Chairman." Chris. H.

18/09/24      Sad news, informed that "Mick Walsh from Bucks Head/Abram Parish/Holy Family, very sadly collapsed and died whilst on holiday in Spain, yesterday." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

05/08/24      Sad news email from Terry Mann [tdmann16@gmail.com] , "I wanted to inform you of the passing of my father in law,  John McDonald from Springfield, I know John was a keen bowler over the years for many clubs, before he had to stop due to bad knees a few years ago. It would be much appreciated if you could please inform the bowling community via Shevi Bowls. John passed away peacefully at home on Thursday 1st August 2024. Best regards Terry Mann." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

22/07/24    Derek Hooson's funeral is 2.30pm on Tuesday 30th July at Charnock Richard Crematorium. Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

07/07/24    Sad news Derek Hooson died yesterday. Long time member and Bowler for Shevington Conservative Club & St. Anne's A team. Deepest sympathies go to Ann, family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

19/06/24     Email from David S Mawdesley of Hindley Platt Lane pensioners, "Graham Ford’s funeral is on Friday 28 June at Howe Bridge Crematorium at 11.00 am. David Mawdesley." Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

12/06/24     Barry Whitton has phoned to say that John Collier's funeral is on Monday, June 24th at 12.30pm, at Charnock Richard Crematorium. Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

07/06/24     Sad news this week Email from David S Mawdesley of Hindley Platt Lane pensioners "I have just been informed that a well known local bowler and ex footballer, Graham Ford died yesterday on 5 June 2024 at the age of 84. He had been unwell for about a month but his passing came as a surprise to us all. Graham was a bit of a controversial character who often made his presence felt around the green. He will be missed at the club. David Mawdesley." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

Also this week Barry Whitton informed me that John Collier sadly passed away at home on Tuesday night. John was a long time bowler at Shevington Conservative Club. Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

18/03/24     Ted Prescott's Funeral is on Monday 25th March 12.30pm at St. Anne's Church, Shevington. Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

04/03/24    More sad news, Ted Prescott sadly died on Thursday February 29th. A lovely man, bowled at Shevington Village BC, Forest Fold, off Miles Lane, Shevington. Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

11/01/24    More sad news, Jack Sherrington sadly died on Friday 5th. A great bloke that will be sadly missed. His funeral will be 10.30am on Monday 22nd January at St. Anne's Church Shevington  Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

10/01/24    Funeral for George Troughton is on Friday 26th January 10.30am at St. Wilfrids Church Standish. George will be sadly missed. Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

03/01/24    Sad News from Alan Hammond, "Very sad to inform you of the passing of George Troughton was a long time bowler for St. Wilfrids BC. I will inform you of the funeral arrangements when available." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

18/09/23   Email from John Brownlow, "It is with great sadness that I have heard that Dorothy (Dot) Dickinson has passed away, after a long struggle with cancer. Dot was a stalwart of St. Pauls bowling club and fulfilled many positions at the club. Playing for the ladies, B and Carlsberg teams. Dot will be sadly missed and our condolences go to her husband Bob and the family." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

24/08/23   Email from Harry Butler,"BCGBA National Safeguarding Officer. Please be advised that our National Safeguarding Officer, Paul Ashmore, has a new address - Elowen Garden Village, 10 Field Rose Way, Whiston L35 1AF.  Please can you ensure your County Safeguarding Officer is made aware of this change

30/07/23    Email from Harry Butler, "Robin Park Indoor Bowling Meeting 1100 am Tuesday 15/8/23. St Matthews Highfield.  Important that all teams have a representative. New teams or new players welcome." Thanks Chris. H.

25/07/23    Email from Andrew Molyneux, "Ron Molyneux passed away peacefully at Croston Park Care Home on 15th July. Ron had bowled for Wigan Parish, Wigan Post Office and Wigan Subscription over a period of more than 60 years. His funeral will be held at Wigan Parish Church at 11am on 3rd August." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

07/06/23    Email from Kenny Priestley [kp65warrior@gmail.com], "Very sad to inform you of the passing of Ken Heyes at the age of 93 Ken was a long time bowler for Lower Ince LC Ince S Mary's and Platt Bridge Pensioners. He was very well known in the bowling community and had many friends. His funeral will take place on Friday 16th June at Ince Parish Church at 12 pm, followed by burial at Westwood Cemetery. Many thanks. K. Priestley Sec. Ince St. Mary's bowls club " Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

01/06/23    Email from David S Mawdesley [dsm@hspcc.net], "Our bowling fraternity has lost another long serving stalwart. Hindley’s oldest member Tony Murphy has been suffering from various forms of cancer over the last few years and today, 31 May 2023 he lost his final battle and passed away at the grand old age of 94. Tony was for very many years Captain of both Hindley Veterans and Platt Lane B and continued bowling right up to last season when he remained as Team Captain but didn’t bowl. Many local bowlers will remember Tony as a quiet, placid gentleman who was more than a decent player in his time. He will be missed by all his friends at HPLBC and we send condolences to his son Stephen and grandson Carl who continues the Murphy tradition by playing for Hindley Vets. David Mawdesley, Hindley Platt Lane Bowling Club." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

30/05/23    Email from Bill Garner, "George Fillingham's funeral will be  Tuesday 20th June 1.30pm at Chorley Crematorium.  Then after at Charnock Farm. Regards Bill." Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

28/05/23    Email from David Smart, "My father Eric Smart passed away on Saturday the 20th of May, until the Covid pandemic he was involved with the Wigan Hospice team that bowled on a Monday night, he also bowled in the workshop league for Triangle Valve and also St Paul’s in the churches league. His funeral is at St Paul’s Goose Green on Wednesday the 7th of June at 2-30pm. Regards David Smart." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

21/05/23    Email from Alan Hough, "Very sorry to report that Reg Thompson has sadly passed away on 17th May. Reg bowled for many years throughout the Wigan bowls leagues, and was a well loved and respected bowler. His funeral takes place on Wednesday 7th June at Wigan Crematorium at 2pm, but if unable to attend that, his granddaughter Vicki would love to see his friends join together at the Goose Green Sports Bar on Little Lane afterwards. If you intend to do that please let Vicki know on 07429 432848 for catering number purposes. Alan." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

19/05/23    Email from Bill Garner, "Very sad to advise that George Fillingham  passed yesterday,  he will be greatly missed ,probably our longest serving member . A lovely man who we all admired and respected. I'll post details of his funeral when we get to know. Regards Bill." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

29/04/23     Email from Harry Butler, "Robin Park Indoor Leagues update:- The proposal is that we move away from the currently weekly cash collection to team payment in advance. The proposed system removes the need for someone at the desk and having to carry large cash sums to the bank. The Chairman ,Treasurer and Secretary would look to reduce the honorarium with this system. For more details please ring H. Butler on 01257252285." Thanks Chris. H.

03/03/23     Email from Frank Dixon, "Robin Park Indoor Leagues finished on Monday 27 February 2023. Congratulations to the top 3 finishers in the Afternoon and Evening Leagues.
Monday Afternoon - 1. Lowtonites 2. Alexandra Park 3. Gidlowers
Monday Evening - 1. Henry Halls 2. Amigos 3. Newtown Tigers
The 2023/24 Leagues will commence in October 2023. If anyone would like to enter a team, please email Frank Dixon using f.dixon@yahoo.co.uk.
Thanks Frank." Thanks Chris. H.

22/02/23     Email from John Gaskell, "The Funeral for Brian Hartshorn will be held at St Andrews Church Wigan on Friday the 10th March at 12noon. Thank you." Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.


14/02/23     More sad news email from John Gaskell, "Very sad news from Wigan Subscription Club.  Long term club member and bowler Brian Hartshorn has died, after a long illness." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

06/02/23     Sad news from David Mawdesley, "Long serving Hindley, St. Benedict’s and lately Spring View member, John Birch died today Wednesday 1 February.  John had not been well for some time and was taken into hospital a couple of weeks ago where he died aged 81." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

05/02/23    Sad news from Mark Beddows, "Brian Lowe, Long standing member and former steward of Garswood Hall has passed away on the 29-1-23 aged 82. Sincere condolences from the bowling community to his family and friends. M A Beddows." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

19/01/23    Sad news from Adrian Noon, "Very sad to advise that Derek Winstanley has died. His Funeral is on February 2nd at 2.30pm, Charnock Richard Crematorium. Derek was a lovely man and a long serving member of St Wilfrids Bowling Club and will be greatly missed. Thanks and regards Adrian." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

01/01/23    Follow up on the sad News email from Bill Garner, "Joe Dumican's funeral will be 5th January 2.0 pm at Ince Crematorium . And after at Whelley x club Scholes. Regards  Bill." Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

17/12/22    Email from Neil Bithell, "Peter Marrow memorial pairs to be played on Sunday 2nd April 2023 @ Bellingham bowling club Wigan. One day open pairs played on 2 greens, staggered starts from 9am. All games 21 up off 2 except ladies pair or mixed pair to start on 4. £2870 in prize money based on full entry Entry; £40 a pair win 2 games for £80 all entry’s to Neil Bithell on 07877208955 payment details. Winners £750, Runner up £500, Semi final £250, Last 8 £120, Last 16 £80." Thanks Chris. H.

11/12/22    Sad News email from Bill Garner, "Very sad to advise that Joe Dumican has died. I will advise later the funeral arrangements.  He was as you know a long serving member of St Patricks Bowling Club and will be greatly missed. Thanks and regards Bill." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

30/09/22    Email from Frank Dixon, "Robin Park Indoor Bowling. Week One begins on Monday 10 October. Fixture Lists will be handed out on the day. The Afternoon games begin at 12.30pm for Hillside, Wintergreens, Whitehall, Standish Angels, Whelley Pensioners, Beer Engine, Stingrays, Gidlowers, Villagers and Ospreys. 1.20pm - Robins, WAPPA, Lowtonites, HindsHead, Majestics, Roundups, Euxtoners and Alexandra Park. Evening games begin at 6pm for Amigos, Borussia Teeth, Destroyers, Henry Halls, Hindshead, Ince Rose Bridge, Newtown Tigers, Pagefielders, Pie Eaters and Team Dot. Thanks Frank." Thanks Chris. H.

25/09/22    2022 Dawber Trophy - Google Photos The results:- D Cheetham 21- D McCann 15. ;

K Higham      21 - R Wilson        10; N Jolley          11 - P  Davies        21.;A Marsh          19 - P Woods         21.; M Winrow      21 - J Quinlan.      13; J Sumner    21 - C Richards      4.; E Delaney       17 - A Broadhurst 21.; C Hulton          15 - T Gill   21.; Adi Cowley         21 - C Brand         14.;

D Mullen           20 - K Robinson      21.; P Sinclair          20 - S Ashcroft        21.; A Hough            21 - P Harris         15.; J Thomas        21 - D Gaskell          10.; T Robinson.       21 - T Longmire.        12. F Ball             15 - P Gallagher         21.; J Hanson              21 - P Tilley                   18.

2nd Round:- D Cheetham 21-K Higham 15; P Davies 21 - P Woods 16;M Winrow  14 - J Sumner 21;A Broadhurst 14 - T Gill  21; A Robinson 21 - Adi Cowley 14; S Ashcroft 21 - A Hough 11;

J Thomas 18 - T Robinson 21; P Gallagher 15 - J Hanson 21. Q Finals :- D Cheetham 21-P Davies 19; T Gill 21 - J Sumner 17; K Robinson. 21 - S Ashcroft 17; T Robinson.   21- J Hanson        12.

Semi Final :- D Cheetham  21 - T Gill                  12; K Robinson     14 - T Robinson      21.

Final:- D Cheetham 21 - T Robinson    14. Congratulations from Jim Dawber to Dave Cheetham Dawber Trophy Winner 2022 .On behalf of Hinds Head Bowling Club, I would like to thank all the participants and spectators who took part and all the helpers on the day, including Jean and Doreen and Catherine  who helped provide refreshments, tea coffee and bacon barms. The rain  did keep sweeping in however it didn't spoil a great days bowling and enjoyment. The green looked superb despite the wet weather thanks to Steve Ashcroft and all the many helpers who worked in the last few weeks tidying around the green and doing maintenance. There were some very close matches which could have gone either way and some brilliant bowling. Thanks also to all the sponsors donations, including Rivaj, Huws Gray, The Paddock , The White Lion and Lucy Willows. The Trophy has now been running since 1966, and was presented to Dave Cheetham by Jim Dawber . Regards Eamonn Delaney. Thanks Chris. H.

08/09/22    Email from Eamonn Delaney [eamonn1932@icloud.com] "The Gents Rivaj / Hinds Head Dawber Trophy. 32 maximum field. Currently one space available in the 11.00am time slot (due to drop out  plus accepting reserves) Entrance £8.00 + £2.00 raffle ticket. Prize Money (all entrance fee paid out) winner £100.00 and Trophy, Runner up £50.00. 2x Semi £25.00 and 8x  QF £8.00. We will be offering some excellent raffle prizes, including gift vouchers from all our fantastic local businesses including; The Rivaj, Indian Restaurant, The Paddock Restaurant (Derby House), The White Lion Pub, and Huws Gray Builders, Famous Grouse Whisky, bottles of Wine, CBD oil and many more. Please support  our local business. Rivaj as a sponsor have kindly offered a one off discount on the day of 20% off the menu prices, and 10% off alcoholic drinks( for bowlers and spectators only)  its advisable to book prior to the day. Please purchase raffle tickets to support Hinds Head Community Bowling club. Tickets can be purchased on the day or by contacting Eamonn Delaney 07920 581215, all raffle money goes to supporting the club. Toilet facilities are available opposite in the pensioners club from 10.30am and in Rivaj when open in the afternoon. We will be providing tea and coffee, bacon barms and  sandwiches up to 3.00pm. Please note time slots; These are time slots and not the draw.

11.00am :- Dave Cheetham, Keith Higham, Dave McCann, Ray Wilson, Paul Woods, Paul Davies, Alan Marsh.

11.45am :- Alan Broadhurst, Tom Gill, Chris Hulton, Eamonn Delaney, Mark Winrow, Jim Sumner, Chris Richards, John Quinlan.
12.30pm :- Paul Harris, David Bodill, Peter Sinclair, Alan Hough, Craig Brand, Keith Robinson, Aide Cowley, Steve Ashcroft.

1.15pm :- Tony Longmire, Marv Paxford, Tony Robinson, Jason Thomas, Peter Tilley, Frank Ball, John Hanson, Peter Gallagher.

Please can each person arrive 15 minutes prior to their start time and report to the registration desk to pay ( if not paid). Payments can be made upfront. If anyone can not make their time slot or has any other queries contact Eamonn Delaney on 07920 581215. Thanks Eamonn Delaney." Thanks Chris. H.

20/08/22    Email from Harry Butler, "ROBIN PARK INDOOR BOWLING. We have 10 teams for Monday Night which is now complete. Teams can go on a reserve list or Players can come for the first games on 10/10/22 and sign on for the 10 teams. We are running 20 teams on Monday afternoon .(10/10/22) At the moment we have 18 so are looking for two more. AGM 8/9/22 at Robin Park Cafe 1100 hrs." Thanks Chris. H.

11/08/22    Email from David Mawdesley, " Sad news (sorry it's a little late, his funeral was on the 9th August), Platt Lane member for many years, Brian Aldred, died on 26th July in Wigan Hospice. Well known in most of the local bowling leagues for many years, Brian was a quiet, well spoken gentle man but who was also known to voice his opinion strongly when required. The players acknowledged his memory by a short silence at the match." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

05/08/22    Email from Vince Cottom, "ROBIN PARK INDOOR BOWLING. We are looking for Teams on  a Monday Afternoon &  evening.  With a proposed start in September/October. Anyone interested please contact myself or Frank Dixon. f.dixon@yahoo.co.uk    07834836252. vacottom@gmail.com    07760728800." Thanks Chris. H.

07/05/22    Sad News email from Bill Garner, "Very sad to advise that Gordon Bradshaw has died. He was a long standing member of our bowling club and will be greatly missed. His funeral is Thursday 12th May  2pm at St Patricks and after at Whelley ex Club. Thanks and Regards Bill." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

25/04/22    Email from Bill Garner, "Frank's funeral is on Thursday 28th April at 11.00am at St. Patricks." Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

12/04/22    Sad News email from Bill Garner, "Very sad to have to advise Frank Carty died yesterday April 11th, he was a long standing respected member of our club who loved his bowling, especially the CMS league. I will advise his funeral details later. Regards Bill." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

24/03/22     Sad News Martin Saxon died on Saturday morning 19th March. He was lovely man. He was really looking forward to the bowling season starting again. The funeral is on Tuesday April 12th at St. Anne's Church, Shevington 12.30pm. Then on to Gathurst Golf Club. RIP. Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

08/03/22    Email from Vince Cottom, "ROBIN PARK INDOOR BOWLING. This week the Management  at the above Centre, have now been handed  back the Sports Hall from the  NHS. This will mean to us that we can start planning for a start in September. HOWEVER, we are very uncertain how many Players/Teams we shall have to start playing. We appear to have lost Players & Teams, which is very distressing.  In the coming  weeks we will attempt to contact  all our last  teams, to find  out how it  has  effected them. From this we can plan for the coming Season.  It is no good promising anything.  Please feel free to  contact  myself, Harry Butler, or Frank Dixon, to discuss the future. I will update  this page when I have more information. Vince Cottom, Treasurer." Thanks Chris. H.

08/03/22    Email from Steve Ashcroft, "St Maries opens on Sat 19 March at 11 00 am Round robins begin at 12 30pm Tues 22nd March and coaching starts at 10 30 am Weds 23rd March Many thanks & Best Wishes Steve Ashcroft." Thanks Chris. H.

08/03/22    Strange news search. Email from johnatkinson119 <johnatkinson119@btinternet.com> I am a Research Volunteer for the Bailey Hill Project in Mold, Flintshire. BH is a scheduled ancient monument and public park which has had a crown green since the mid-19th century. In the mid-20th century a trophy named the Bailey Hill Challenge Cup (pictured) was introduced which appears to have been much sought after, drawing bowlers from a wide area. In fact the very first name engraved on it in 1949, and my reason for writing, is that of Matt Pilling of Wigan. Mr Pilling won the trophy again in 1951, so no doubt an accomplished bowler. I write this only in passing in case you have a history section, or similar, and thought it may be of interest. Perhaps somebody remembers the Pilling family? Feel free to use the photographs or pass them on. I should add the green went out of use some 20yrs ago and an archaeological excavation took place on it in 2020 discovering human remains some 900yrs old just beneath the feet of the old bowlers! https://www.facebook.com/BaileyHillProjectOfficer/ Regards John Atkinson, Bailey Hill Research Volunteer, Mold. Thanks Chris. H.

04/03/22     Email from Bill Garner regarding Terry O Neil's funeral, "Terry's funeral will be held at St Patricks 13.30 Thursday 10th March, followed by interment at Westwood Cemetery, the family would like to invite anyone who knew Terry to join them at Whelley ex Servicemen's club for refreshments and the sharing of memories of this great man." Again deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

24/02/22    Sad News Email from Joe Monks, "Sad to say that my Sacred Heart C bowling friend Jimmy Bissell passed away on 20th February. He was 83. RIP." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

18/02/22    News regarding St. James Bowling Green, Orrell; Brendon Gibbons contacted me "The Bowling Green is open for business this season 2022 for ALL teams." Thanks Chris. H.

18/02/22    Sad News. Email from Bill Garner, "Terry O Neil died yesterday.  He was a long standing very popular bowler for the club from the 1970s to 2020. I will advise funeral details later. Thanks and Regards Bill." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

01/02/22     Email from Ken Moffitt, "I don't like it when it would appear that I am an idiot or can't make my mind up. I refer to the Safeguarding Courses on 26 February. Paul Ashmore, the BCGBA Safeguarding Officer is coming to run a course for NEW Safeguarding Officers which will run from 11.00 am until 2.00 pm. The renewal session is due to start immediately after the other one has ended at 2.00 pm. This means that I now have to email all my clubs to ensure that they are aware of the correct time." Cheers, Ken Moffitt. Thanks for the update.

26/01/22      Email from Tony Rawlinson, "Update on Eric Wood’s funeral. It will be held at St. Katherine’s Church Blackrod on Wednesday 2nd February 2022 at 11.00 am. Thanks Tony Rawlinson." Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

26/01/22    Phone call  from Ken Moffitt, "Date rearranged for renewal of the Safeguarding Certificate for Safeguarding Officers. It is now Saturday 26th February at 11.00am was  Saturday 19th February at 2.00 p.m. at St. Matthew's at Highfield. Can you let your leagues know please. Please remind them that they need either a passport or a driving licence, proof of their address (a letter) and their National Insurance number. Cheers Ken." Thanks Chris. H.

18/01/22      Email from D Liptrot [d_liptrot@sky.com] "Hindley and District Men’s Bowling League have vacancies in all 4 divisions. Anyone interested, please contact Roy on 07831695239. Thanking you in anticipation, Regards Roy." Thanks Chris. H.

18/01/22      Email from Ken Moffitt, "I have arranged a date and venue for renewal of the Safeguarding Certificate for Safeguarding Officers. It is now Saturday 26th February at 11.00am was  Saturday 19th February at 2.00 p.m. at St. Matthew's at Highfield. Can you let your leagues know please and also put it on Shevibowls since I cannot find details of the ladies leagues. Please remind them that they need either a passport or a driving licence, proof of their address (a letter) and their National Insurance number. Cheers Ken." Thanks Chris. H.

18/01/22     Sad News, David Martland died on Monday 10th Jan  and email from Tony Rawlinson, "Eric Wood sadly passed away this morning Tuesday 18/01/2022. No further details known at the moment. Thanks. Tony Rawlinson." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

04/01/22    Request from Stan Fairclough, "Wigan Borough Pensioners AGM; for the Safety of all that attend this meeting, please confirm a negative Lateral flow test result; use the hand sanitizer solution on entry to the building and wear a mask until seated." Thanks Chris. H.

20/12/21    Request from Geof Catterall, "Garswood Hall 'Transport' Bowling Club urgently require Bowlers for season 2022 to play in the Orrell League Monday Night 'A' Division. Playing on Garswood Hall Little Green. Please contact Geof Catterall/01942-233703 or Steve Ashworth/01942-701442. Thank you Geof Catterall." Thanks Chris. H.

20/12/21     Email from Norman Aspinall, "South West Lancs Pensioners League Meeting on 11th January 2022 at Pemberton Conservative Club at 2.00pm." Thanks Chris. H.

14/11/21    Email from Frank Dixon, "Orrell League AGM. All sorted for 8pm on Thursday 2 December. We will be in the Cricketers‘ Lounge which I think is better. It’s square and easier to speak in. Our usual room has a quiz night on. Hope that’s all ok, Frank." Thanks Chris. H.

14/11/21    Email from Steve Ashcroft, "Sad news. St Maries stalwart, Dave Woods passed away last week at 82 after illness. Dave was secretary green keeper and bowler for many years He played in the CMS league and with Wigan police in the Wigan Workshops David's funeral is at St Maries church at 2.00pm Friday 19th Nov followed by cremation at Wigan Crematorium and a gathering at Kilhey Court afterwards. Best Wishes Steve." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

14/11/21    Email from Vince Cottom, "ROBIN PARK, INDOOR BOWLS, LATEST UPDATE. Following  ongoing meeting/information for a start date. Last week I called into the Centre to ask the Duty Manager, ( Darren ) for an  update on when we can consider restarting.  He informed me that  the NHS will be  there until February, or later.  Today he has confirmed this by Text, They are to  meet with the NHS Management around Christmas for any further information. I have contacted Our Chairman & Secretary, & we plan to meet in mid January to set-out our future." Thanks Chris. H.

14/11/21    David Garswood has organised a CMS League AGM for 7.30pm Thursday 20th January 2022 at St. Jude's Social Club. Hope to see you all then. Thanks Chris. H.

17/10/21    More Sad News. Email from Bill Frodsham, "Sad news, Billy Dickinson passed away on Sunday 3rd October, his funeral will be at St James church on Friday 22nd October at 10-15am, followed by commits at St. Helens crematorium." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

06/10/21    More Sad News. Email from Bill Garner, "Walter Whittaker has died , believe he was 76, his funeral will be at Ince Crematorium at 3.00pm Tuesday 12th October.  RIP Walt." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

06/10/21    Sad News. Email from Andrew Dean, "My dad, Joe Dean, passed away on Wednesday 29th September. Confirmation of all the dates for Joe's funeral. We would all be grateful if you could let any of his fellow bowlers know. The funeral is at St Bernadette's R C Church Shevington on the 19th October at 11am and Gidlow cemetery at 12:30 then afterwards at Gathurst golf club. Thanks Andrew Dean." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

06/10/21    Email from Andy Jukes, "Chris; As per our conversation of a week or so ago please could you take this email as notification that we would like to enter a Team & be considered for admittance to the Wigan Borough Pensioners League for 2022. We are a relatively new bowling club (2017) however we have a real mix of players ranging from very experienced to complete novices. Our main aim is to introduce more players to Crown Green Bowling at all ages & through all of the teams we run and consider this application as integral to that plan, with a view to getting as many new bowlers playing the game from 2022 onwards. If you would like to know any more about our Application or if there is any further info you require from ourselves please let us know and we will be delighted to provide it. Many Thanks Andy Jukes On Behalf of Spring View Bowling Club." Thanks Chris. H.

03/09/21    Email from Keith Whalley, "Been asked by a few bowlers if the Orrell league will be starting again next season. Regards Keith Bispham A & C." We will require an AGM, possibly December, if we are able to hold a meeting at our usual venue. This is to confirm Teams, Greens and format. Please keep an eye on www.shevibowls.co.uk for any updates. Thanks Chris. H.

03/09/21     Email from Dr. Henry Butler (Happy 80th Birthday for last Tuesday), "Re. the start of Robin Park Indoor Bowling League. The hall will be available in January 2022. We will be contacting representatives in a few weeks to see what competition you prefer and how many want to play." Thanks Chris. H.

25/08/21     Email from Ken Priestley, "Very sad to inform you of the passing of Ray Beech Platt Bridge LC and Platt Bridge Pensioners. His funeral will take place at Howe Bridge Crematorium on Friday 27th August at 11 am Regards K. Priestley sec. Platt Bridge Pensioners." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

20/08/21    Email from Neil Bithell [neil.bithell@yahoo.com], "The Peter Marrow memorial pairs at the Ravine BC Pemberton, Wigan, being run over the bank holiday weekend Saturday 28th august 11am and 3pm Sunday 29th  11am and 3pm final day Monday 30th august 11am all welcome to attend on what should be a great weekend of bowling playing for a first prize of over £400. I currently have 2 spaces available 1 on Saturday 11am And 1 on Sunday 3pm £20 entry Win 2 games for £40 and into the final day contact neil bithell on 07877208955." Thanks Chris. H.

04/08/21     Email from Pat Roscoe, "The draw for the semi's at the Bellingham to be played on Sunday 8th August; Billy Speed v Lee Johnstone & Wayne Ditchfield v Neil Bithell. Cheers Pat." Thanks Chris. H.

26/07/21    Email from Mike Sollars, "Gerry Lanyon fell ill on Wednesday and the match with Garswood Hall B was cancelled. Unfortunately Gerry Lanyon passed away on Friday without regaining consciousness. God Bless Him. Regards Mike, on On Friday, 23 July 2021, 11:04:16 BST." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

15/07/21    Email update from Frank Dixon, "Further to my email regarding the passing of Jack Winnard, the St Matthews C Team would like to let people know that The Rev JW's funeral will take place on THURSDAY  22nd July at 2.30pm at St Matthews Church, Highfield. Janet Foster, the Verger of St Matthews, C Team bowler and good friend of Jack, will be on hand to place some bowlers inside the church and organise a guard of honour for outside. All bowlers and friends are welcome to join us. Thank you, Frank Dixon." Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

08/07/21     Email from Frank Dixon, "The St Matthew’s C Team held a minutes silence at the start of its Wigan Churches game with Queens Hall to mark the recent passing of Jack Winnard. Jack was a stalwart member of the team for many, many years and will be deeply missed by all who bowled with him. Further details of his funeral will be advised. Thank you, Frank Dixon." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

04/07/21     Email from Peter McNulty, "A note to let you know the Garswood Sports & Social club Pensioner Team has disbanded due to an insurance issue with the club, we can no longer fulfil the remaining fixtures in Pensioners League. Yours Peter McNulty." Thanks Chris. H.

01/07/21     Email from Pat Roscoe, "The Bellingham Starbank Panel Products Men's Classic starts this Saturday 3rd July at 6pm and then every Saturday & Sunday nights until the final on Sunday 8th August. Hot food and drink available and bar open. Draw is done on the night. Click for  list of competitors for each night. Cheers Pat." Thanks Chris. H.

29/06/21     Harry Merrin called to express his sympathies for Douggie Stewart's sad death yesterday. The funeral is on Wednesday 7th July 2021 1.00pm at Wigan Crematorium. Doug was an Honorary Life Member of Lancashire County and British Crown Green Bowling Associations, Ex. Treasurer of the Labour Clubs Bowling League and bowled for numerous clubs. He also played Goalkeeper for Wigan Athletic and Tranmere Football clubs. He was well known in the Wigan Area and always showed interest and involvement in the sports of Crown Green Bowling and Wigan Athletic Football club. He will be sadly missed. RIP Douggie. Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

28/06/21    Email from Keith Andrews, "It is my sad duty to inform you that Mr Doug Stewart passed away early this morning, 28th June 2021. Mr Stewart was a Life Member of our Association. I will inform you of the funeral details when I receive them. Thank You. Stay Safe. Regards J. Keith Andrews, Lancashire County Secretary." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

23/05/21    Email from Norman Aspinall, "The delegates have decided to start playing friendlies starting on Wednesday 2 June, we are going to play the fixture list from 2020 but only the first 11 matches. There are a couple of changes St Luke's have disbanded, so that will be a bye and Upholland Eagle's have changed to Orrell Eagle's and will play there home games at the YMCA. Yours sincerely Norman Aspinall." Thanks Chris. H. 

21/05/21    PLEASE DISMISS previous email. NOW is as follows. "Wigan Borough Pensioners 2021 ‘Friendly’ Fixtures as on the shevibowls.co.uk website are the same as the 2020 Fixtures in the handbook (date altered to suit) and to avoid confusion, should be used (B division fixtures included. Do Not use Vince Cottom’s fixtures) and send all your results to Chris. Higham. Chris will put results and tables on the website as usual. Please start at Week 7." Thanks Chris. H.

19/05/21    Email from Vince Cottom "Please note, after speaking to Chris Higham, & Harry Butler today, there has been confusion, created by others, regarding the B division Fixtures, for this Season. I have agreed with Chris that the B Division Fixtures & Results will be the ones that I  compiled, & also sent to  trent.s@blueyonder.co.uk, for the League positions. They will not appear on Shevibowls. Any confusion, please give me a call. Vince Cottom." Thanks Chris. H.

16/05/21    Email from Pat Roscoe, "Varty Memorial one day open singles competition at the Bellingham on Saturday 12th June 2021 at 10.30am. Entry fee £5. Prize money dependant on entries but sponsored by Varty's Funeral Directors. Entries to Pat Roscoe 07779673587. Thanks Pat." Thanks Chris. H.

12/05/21    Email from Keith Andrews, "As Lancashire County Secretary, I have pleasure to inform you that L.C.C.G.B.A. now have our own Website. http://lancashirebowls.wordpress.com

It is in its infancy but if you have anything you would like to be included, please contact me or Mr Ian Gill, iangilly66@gmail.com Stay Safe Regards J. Keith Andrews, Lancashire County Secretary." Thanks Chris. H.

10/05/21    Email from Steve Presnailpressytheprinter@yahoo.com."I will throughout MAY and JUNE be doing a “Special Offer” on double-sided BOWLING SCORECARDS with your clubs name at the top. 1,000 = £25 plus vat; 2,000 = £40 plus vat; 3,000 = £50 plus vat; 5,000 = £75 plus vat; 10,000 = £125 plus vat. Free Delivery to your front door is included on all orders. I can be Contacted:- By email: ~ pressytheprinter@yahoo.com. By phone: ~ 07976 446424 ~ (9am-5pm or anytime via text). By post: ~ Steve Presnail Printers, 23 Raybourne Avenue, Poulton-le-Fylde. Lancs.  FY6 7RT

Thank you. Steve Presnail " Thanks Chris. H.

04/05/21    Email from Nicky Shaw, "Garswood Hall Pairs Competition (click for details)." Thanks Chris. H.

01/05/21    Email from Terry Randall, "Sad news from Ashton Recreation Club. Jimmy Southworth a member of our 'A' Team passed away last Sunday the 25th April. Jimmy was a special person always cheerful, bubbly with a smile. A team player through and through. It was always a pleasure to play alongside him. He will be much missed, not only by his wife and family but his many friends and bowling colleagues from both Ashton Rec and St Oswald's.  Terry Randall." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

30/04/21     Email from Mike McCourt, "Just to let you know we won’t be having a Highfield Pensioners 'C' team this year due to lack of numbers. Thanks. Mike McCourt." Thanks Chris. H.

06/04/21      Email from Joan Randall, "The St Helens Ladies Evening League  (Friday nights) are hoping to commence bowling on Friday 11th June - subject to BCGBA and government guidance. Further details will be sent to the Captains in the very near future. Stay safe everyone. Joan." Thanks Chris. H.

05/04/21     Information: Platt Bridge Pensioners Bowling Team is moving back to the Platt Bridge Recreational greens on Victoria St. Platt Bridge. WN2 5AH. from Springview CC. Thanks Chris. H.

02/04/21     Email from Neil Bithell [neil.bithell@yahoo.com], "I have 12 spaces available for the pairs being held on the Ravine club Pemberton. £1750 in prize money £20 per pair win 2 games for £40

64 pairs at £20 per pair. Sponsored by the Marrow family Tony Gatley and Peters friends. £450 winners; £300 rup; £160 semi; £90 quarter; £40 last 16.

Saturday 28th August 11am; Saturday 28th August 3pm; Sunday 29th August 11am; Sunday 29th August 3pm. Final day bank holiday Monday August 30th 11am. Contact Neil Bithell on 07877208955." Thanks Chris. H.

29/03/21    Email from David Mawdesley, "Sad news in that Frank Winstanley died in hospital this morning, 28 March. Frank was a valuable member of Hindley Platt Lane Bowling Club, as we are now known, but  will be better remembered as a stalwart of Hindley Veterans and Hindley Labour club for many years. He was sometimes a controversial character on the green but did untold and unsung work for Hindley bowling over many years. Frank’s wife died a couple of weeks ago and it should have been her funeral last Wednesday but was postponed because Frank was taken into hospital. It may now be a joint funeral but no details are known yet of course. I will let you know once I am informed.  Rest in Peace Frank, you will be missed by us all. David Mawdesley, Secretary Hindley Platt Lane Bowling Club." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

20/03/21    Email from Keith Whalley [keithwhalley1957@live.co.uk] ,"Seeing we are not having an Orrell League again this year could you put on Shevibowls ASAP any teams Mondays and Fridays want to play Bispham A, B , C or D home and away please contact me on 07422-515266 as I've had a few of our players asking could play all through to September. Cheers Keith, Bispham Hall BC ." Thanks Chris. H.

06/03/21    Email from Graham Holding, "CMS 2021 no league competition but friendly fixtures will be arranged week commencing 25 May. These will be 2 divisions, 8 teams in each, 8 man teams, no handicaps, no money and no cups, all matches to commence at 6.30pm. This is not an official league as we cannot guarantee it but will keep the idea of bowling going. I hope and pray that it will be OK. I will put them on the website and do the results the same. See fixtures on website when completed. " Thanks Chris. H.

06/03/21    More sad news, email from Keith Whalley, "Sammy Maddison passed away on Saturday 27 Feb. after a long illness He played for Bispham C also a short spell with St Francis In the Orrell League" Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

06/03/21    Sad News. Email from Alan Lenagan, "Jack Shepherd sadly passed away on Wednesday 17th Feb. Jack bowled for a number of teams including St Francis in the Churches and Orrell Leagues and Heinz in the Workshop and Saturday Leagues. He was also a big Latics fan. His funeral is due to take place on 11/03 and if anyone wishes to pay their respects, the funeral cars will pass the DW Stadium at around 9.55am. RIP Jack. Regards Alan." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

28/02/21     Are you looking forward to SAFE Team bowling starting again, well perhaps this will help? Email from Alan Pennington (alan-pen@blueyonder.co.uk), "Orrell St Luke's C Team have unfortunately disbanded. Four years ago we purchased 5 new blocks and bag, they are Thomas Taylor and have first stamp on dated 22.Is it possible to advertise them on 'shevibowls' as a club may be needing new blocks. We paid £225 for them and would be asking £50 for them. Yours Alan Pennington." Thanks Chris. H.

28/02/21     Sad news email from Alan Lenagan, "Jack Shepherd sadly passed away on Wednesday 17th Feb. Jack bowled for a number of teams including St Francis in the Churches and Orrell Leagues and Heinz in the Workshop and Saturday Leagues. He was also a big Latics fan. His funeral is due to take place on Thursday 11th March 2021 and if anyone wishes to pay their respects, the funeral cars will pass the DW Stadium at around 9.55am. RIP Jack. Regards Alan." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

15/02/21     Email from Hilda Jones (hilda.jones@btinternet.com), Chairperson for LCCGBA, "Hello bowlers are we all ready for the bowling season, we think it looks promising, although there may be changes and adaptions to be made which I am sure you will agree whatever they are they will be a small sacrifice  for a seasons bowling. By the end of April, most Vets will have had two doses of vaccine and many of the younger and fitter people will have had one dose which will be a big step forward. Taking this as a positive step league and fixture secretary have a lot of work to do so we need to be positive and prepare to help.  Tt’s very doubtful that any meetings will be held before the start of bowling so we must adapt.  Captains can ring their team members and check if their members want to play – check so far have been positive – maybe some teams will be lost or even clubs may need to amalgamate, its vital that the fixtures secretaries have this information as soon as possible as they will have twice as much work this time. The secretaries may have to juggle with the divisions as the season my be slightly shorter which could result in more divisions.  The world is changing and we will have to change with it. All fees due to the league will have to be paid directly into the league bank account, the easiest way is by BACS using your club name as a reference.Please do not say ‘we can’t do it’, someone in your club/team will be able to do it. Let us be positive and move forward together – we do not need any negative vibes – Please support your leagues it will be to late for them to do the work if we leave it much longer. Happy bowling. Hilda Jones/01257-792751" Thanks Hilda for the rousing letter, not an easy task for all concerned. Chris. H.

10/12/20    More sad news. Alan Pulford sadly reports the passing of his wife Brenda Pulford last Friday 4th December. The funeral, to be at St. Anne's church, Shevington, is on 24th December at 11.30am. then on to the Crematorium at Charnock Richard. Alan has asked for donations to Wigan Hospice in lieu of flowers. Brenda had bowled for a few teams in Wigan area with some success. You can contact Alan on 01257-414482. Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

04/12/20    Sad news from Stan Grimshaw, "Sad to report that Graham (Chuff Chuff) Darbyshire had a heart-attack and died in hospital on Monday 30th November. Graham was Orrell League Secretary for years, also engraved cups and trophies for leagues and teams all over the Wigan area. Lovely man. The funeral is on Friday 11th December,2.00pm, at St. Helens Crematorium." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

28/11/20    Email from Brian Naylor, "Sad news from Garswood Hall. Alan Yates, a long time member and servant of the club sadly died last week. He held loads of roles at the club including Secretary for years and a delegate of the club in several leagues. Although we are in the middle of loads of restrictions, just to let people know his funeral will take place on Tuesday 1st December at Holy Trinity, Downall Green at 10.00a.m followed by committal at Wigan Crematorium. Regards Brian." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

22/11/20    Email from Ken Moffitt, "I would be obliged if you could remove the 2020 fixture list for Wigan Church's Bowling League from Shevibowls. I did tell member clubs that this would be list for 2021, but, due to certain circumstances, this will not now be the case since one team has already dropped out of the league and there may be a possibility of another two dropping out. I have found a new system which I will be using from now on. Cheers, Ken." I hope you can, soon. Chris. H.

22/11/20    Email from Henry Hunter, "I would like to inform you about the passing of Harold Rigby on 20/11/20. He was a true gentleman and a good bowler who played for St Thomas BC for a great number of years. He was also a founder member of Ashton Rec Pensioners, representing the B team, and will be sadly missed by friends and colleagues from other teams and Leagues. Regards Henry." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

20/11/20    Emails from Harry Butler & Vince Cottom, "Regarding Robin Park Indoor Bowling: There will be no Bowling in January. We will try to start next October. Vince has tried but the Council have not answered any of his calls. None of the committee will be claiming any money this year. H. Butler. Regrettably we have decided to abort the attempt to start the Bowling for this January, 2021. This was due mainly to the attitude & lack of interest shown by the Management & Staff at Robin Park.  It is almost a month since my last discussion with them, & trying to get a start date etc.  A phone call or whatever to tell us of any problems but not even that. We had teams for Monday Afternoon & Evening ready to go. Thanks to all those who showed an interest,& we look forward to seeing you  all in October 2021. Vince Cottom, Treasurer." Thanks for the update. Chris. H.

10/11/20    From Bill Garner, "Funeral for Jimmy Marsh will be at Howe Bridge crematorium  at 4.00pm 20th November.  Regards Bill." Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.  

31/10/20   Updates from Bill Garner, "Vinnie's funeral will be 20th November at St Patricks Church 12.00 pm. Not sure now with the tier 3 restrictions , think maximum  is 15 able to attend. Also more sad news, very sad to have to advise that Jimmy Marsh has died. He was a very popular member at our bowling club as well as Aspull bowling club. Will advise further info when we know. Regards Bill." Thanks for the update and again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

22/10/20     Email from Bill Garner, "Very sad to advise that Vinnie Holden died yesterday 21st October. As you know he was a long standing and very popular member at our bowling club , he will be greatly missed. Regards Bill." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

16/10/20    Sad news, in the last week we have lost two well respected bowlers. Albert Stark from Bolton and Brian Duffy from Pemberton Conservative club. Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

26/09/20    Email from Vince Cottom, "ROBIN PARK INDOOR BOWLS. The Bowls Committee met with Management & Safety Officer for I.H.L. ’Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles’, ( H Butler, V Cottom, I Hill, & K Johnson), on Thursday the  24th of September.  To discuss the coming indoor Season, & a possible start date, which as you may  be aware will &  is affected by the  Corona Virus. The future for the coming Season will not be easy to organise, with all the restrictions that the Virus brings.  Size of teams will be reduced, Number of Mats will be down to Three, and Costs will increase, were just a few of topics we discussed .  We considered a start in November, ( The NHS Track & Trace are at present using the Hall, until the end of October).  Eventually the Committee agreed that start date was not possible.  However we are to  contact all team Captains, & get them to let us know how many of their players were willing for a re-start  in  January 2021.  We can then go  back  to the IHS team & discuss further. Vince Cottom, Treasurer." Thanks Chris. H.

22/09/20    Email from Graham Holding, "Ravine League Tables update." Thanks Chris. H.

15/09/20    Email from Graham Holding, "Ravine League Tables update." Thanks Chris. H.

11/09/20    Email from Keith Andrews, "Hello All. I have been asked to send this email to all Lancashire Leagues, Clubs & Players. It is to try & save the Waterloo at Blackpool. I know that a lot of players go to the Waterloo in September for a week or for just the finals day. [ Good morning. For those on social media, you will be aware of the recent activity in relation to securing the vitally needed funds to allow the necessary work to be undertaken at The Waterloo. The national bowling community is attempting to raise £100,000 to get the work undertaken to allow us to secure at least a 10-year lease on the venue. Unless this work is undertaken, it is without doubt our famous iconic venue will close. With the work completed and a lengthy lease in place, the funding possibilities from Sport England, National Lottery and The Heritage Fund are open to us. They are not currently due to the lease situation and a lack of three year's accounts. The purpose of my writing to you is simply to ask about the possibility of putting out a communication to all your respective leagues and clubs. We are attempting the humongous task of getting 2000 players, spectators or general bowls/Waterloo enthusiasts to pledge £50 each. This will give us the £100k needed. I will happily draft wording or leave it in your capable hands. Could I please ask that, if nothing else, you acknowledge receipt of this email and advise what you are/are not able to do to help. Kindest Regards Lynn Pritchatt [lpritchatt@outlook.com] Regards Keith Andrews, Lancashire Secretary." Thanks Chris. H.

11/09/20     Email from Graham Holding, "Ken Sinclair has sent me this, it's the pair's competition they are running at the Ravine BC. To overcome the Covid-19 problems and keeping bowlers safe, they have created a mini-league. click here for results table Ravine League." Thanks for that Chris. H. Please stay safe and follow the rules.

20/08/20     Email from Graham Holding, "Very sad to advise the loss of Cyril Williams. Cyril bowled for many years at Alexandra Park, for a number of teams but also with Garswood Labour, and Garswood Hall. He was a true gentleman and will be sadly missed. The funeral hearse will pause at Alexandra Park on Monday 24 August around 10.30am on the way to Wigan Crematorium. Kind Regards Graham." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

24/07/20    Email from Joan Randall, "St Helens Ladies Evening Bowling League. Due to the continuing COVID-19 restrictions for Crown Green Bowling the Committee of the above League held a virtual meeting, and, have decided to cancel ALL League fixtures for the 2020 season. A pre – season will be held next March (2021) in the hope that we will be able to resume our League bowling in the 2021 season. As a Committee, we hope that both you and your families are keeping well and staying safe, and, we look forward to seeing you all next year." Thanks Chris. H.

07/07/20    Email from Nicky Shaw, "Sad news to report of the recent passing of Harold Williams who bowled for Garswood Hall and was also Chairman of our club around the turn of the century.  I’m led to believe from his wife Myra that people will be lining the entrance to Garswood Hall to pay their respects around 3.30pm on Thursday 9th July where the funeral hearse will pause for a minute or so on the way to the 4pm service at Wigan Crematorium. Kind regards Nicky." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

16/06/20    Email from Nicky Shaw, "Our club (Garswood Hall Bowling and Community Club) have just been awarded a prestigious award recognising our amazing volunteers and particularly the fabulous work which they do at the club and within our community.  We’ve recently been awarded the Queens Award for Voluntary Service (Equivalent to an MBE for volunteer groups) and wonder whether it’s some positive news to share on your news page during these challenging times for individuals/clubs!!" Great News thanks for sharing your marvellous achievement. Chris. H.

15/05/20    Email from Keith Harris, "We have at St Matthews over the past few weeks sadly lost a number of our members and past members who founded the club years ago. Jean Speakmen our Ladies B team Captain for many years, and great club member and a big help to me over the years as Chairman, a lovely lady. Fred Foster was our C team treasurer, and for many years famous around Highfield area for his jams & marmalade jars, which Fred and his wife made and sold for charity to support the Church school, raising many thousands of pounds for the school. Ron Farrell played for the A team, and many years in our church choir, also  served on our club committee. Bill Wright, and Alan Lowe, past members and again played a big roll in helping to build the green at St Matthews in the 1994/5. We at St Matthews send all our deepest sympathies to all the family's and friends. Regards Keith Harris. St Matthews." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

08/05/20    Sad news from David Garswood, "Gerry Holgate sadly died on Tuesday 5th May. He was in a Care Home suffering with dementia. Gerry played for St. Jude's and Alcan Booth." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

01/05/20    Email from Trevor Gaskell, "I have some sad news, Bert Unsworth. It is with very deep regret that I wish to inform people of the death of Bert Unsworth of Wigan Police B.C. who bowl at Bispham Hall B.C. in the Wigan and District Workshops Bowling League. Bert had been ill for a while and passed away on Thursday 23rd April. An article by Wigan Today on Face book quotes " Skelmersdale Police had been made aware earlier that Bert was very ill, and arranged to pay a tribute

outside the family home in Apply Bridge for his long service etc" This took place on Wednesday 23rd April . Bert had bowled in the Workshops League for many years, and more recently represented the Police on the League delegate committee, before becoming Treasurer. He will be sadly missed by all associated with the League. He may have gone but will not be forgotten. RIP BERT. Our deepest Sympathy, to all of the family. Trevor Gaskell. Chairman / Secretary . Wigan & District Workshop League." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

09/03/20    Email from Bill Garner, "Funeral for Les will be Thursday 19th March 2.00pm at Wigan Crematorium and after at Whelley ex-Servicemen's club. Les's wife Pat has asked for donations to British Heart Foundation in lieu of flowers etc. also said that it's not necessary to wear black for his funeral. Apparently Les never liked black attire for funerals. Regards Bill." Again deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

02/03/20    Sad News email from Bill Garner," Very sad to advise the death of Les William's,  he was as you know a long standing bowler for St John's B in the CMS league and also at St Patricks in the Monday night league. He will be sadly missed . I will advise funeral arrangements when we know. Regards Bill." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

19/02/20     Sad News email from Janet Johnson, "Hi Chris,  we regret to inform you that our dad  Roy Davies has sadly passed away on Saturday  15th February 2020. Dad was a very keen bowler and was known by many in quite  a few leagues, if anyone would like to pay their  respects the funeral  is on Thurs 27th February  2020 at St. Cuthberts  10 am, then Wigan crematorium  11 am, then we will be celebrating  dads life at Lamberhead Green Working Men's Club to share fond memories. All welcome x." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

01/02/20     St. Albans BC, Warrington, competition starts on 6th June. The Peter Lawrenson Trophy 2020.  click here for entry. Thanks Chris. H.

22/01/20     Sad news from the Wigan Borough Pensioners AGM, long time advertiser/sponsor, funeral director Alan Jones sadly died. Also Billy Southworth (Golborne Sports and Social) recently passed away. Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

07/01/20     Sad news from K. Priestley, "Just letting you know John Kirkland ( Platt Bridge Pensioners) sadly passed away over Christmas. His funeral will take place at Wigan Crematorium on Monday 13 Jan at 3 30. Regards K. Priestley Sec. Platt Bridge Pensioners." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

19/12/19    Sad News from Brian Naylor, "A long time member of Garswood Hall BC, Keith Mullineux sadly died this week, he was 88yrs old. His funeral is at Wigan Crematorium on Monday 23rd December at 1.00pm and after back to Garswood Hall BC." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

19/11/19    Another mower for sale. Email from John Taylor, "The Village Inn had to vacate their green at the end of last season. As a result we have a mower that is of no use to us. I was wondering if any of the clubs in the League would be interested in buying it, as a back up mower. It's a Masport Olympic 500.  It has a 20" cut width and cuts down to 7mm. It's around 20 years old. Were looking at around £150. It has been used regularly on the village inn green. over the past 20 years. It would make a perfect back up. emergency mower. Regards, John Taylor, Village inn. 07752 982156." Thanks Chris. H.

16/09/19    YORKSHIRE Cosy-Cottage Close to Dales/ Moors/ Summer Wine Country. Glorious Pennine views/ walks. Sleeps three plus bed settee. SUMMER/ AUTUMN VAC. £260.00 per week, fully inclusive. Contact Paul on 01257-425202.

09/09/19    Email from Pat Roscoe, "Varty men's floodlit pairs at the Bellingham BC starts Monday 30th September for 4 nights final Friday 4th October. Only 2 spaces left contact Tony Roscoe 01942 206634 mobile 07779673587." Thanks Chris. H.

07/09/19    Email from Clive Fenn, "Dear All, It is with regret that we will now have to cancel the Squad Builder due to lack of numbers. Only 7 children’s parents responded saying their child(ren) were attending – most of those were from Ormskirk and Botanic bowlers who had played at Ormskirk this morning. We will arrange our next Squad Builder at Ormskirk for mid to late April 2020. I will contact you all in early April. Finally, thank you for your support in the last year. Regards

Clive R Fenn." Thanks Chris. H.

06/09/19    Email from Clive Fenn, "Please accept my apology for this late notification / reminder of the Lancashire Junior Squad Builder we are holding this Sunday, 8th September at Ormskirk Bowling Club, Altys Ln, Ormskirk L39 4RG. We are asking bowlers to attend from 12:30 with bowling commencing around 1pm. Bowlers can practice on the green on arrival. Dependent on numbers attending I will organise bowlers into groups and possibly play a round robin competition. The objective of the exercise is to get the bowlers to mix with each other and get to know bowlers from other clubs, to learn some bowling skills and take part competitively. We would aim to finish around 4pm. This will be our last session of the year. We will probably have our next session sometime in April 2020. Thank you to all who have participated and helped during the season. Finally, please let me know by return whether your child will be attending or otherwise so I can let you know should we have to postpone at last minute due to poor weather or any other reason. Regards Clive R Fenn, 18 Brook Street, Farnworth, Bolton. BL4 7RX. Telephone: 01204 708 839. Mobile: 07949 200 926. " Thanks Chris. H.

30/08/19    Funeral for Keith Thomas is on Friday 13th September at St. Helens Crematorium at 2.30pm. Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

23/08/19    Email from Brian Duffy, "A set of bowls have been left in the pavilion of Pemberton Cons Club since July. Please contact the club 01942 211158 to claim and identify via  Brian Duffy with a contact number and I will contact the claimant. Thanks Brian." Thanks Chris. H.

20/08/19    Email from Vince Cottom, "ROBIN PARK INDOOR BOWLING CLUB. Teams required for the Afternoon & Evening Sessions. The League starts on Monday the 7th of October. Contact Vince Cottom, on, 07760728800, Peter Smith on, 01942214667, Henry Butler on, 01257252285. Thanks Chris, Vince Cottom." Thanks Chris. H.

20/08/19    Sad News email from Stephen Ashworth, "Unfortunately after a short illness my good friend Keith Thomas sadly passed away. He was a valued member of St. Aidans and will be greatly missed. " Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

20/08/19    Email from Sharman Fanning, "I am acting secretary of Wigan Bridge Club and am writing to be very cheeky and ask your help in advertising our club and its upcoming Open Day. We would be extremely grateful if you were able to help us. I feel bowling clubs could be the sort of organisations that either have people who can play bridge or might wish to learn to play. However if we were to try to get to each club to ask for a poster to be put up it would be a big job.  I’ve attached a copy of the poster. Many thanks if you are able to help us. Regards Sharman Fanning." Thanks Chris. H.

12/08/19    Sad News email from Jim Lloyd, "Cliff Taylor from the Holt’s Arms Bowling Club, died at his home on Friday the 9th of Aug. Thanks Jim." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

06/08/19    Sad News. Jimmy Rigby, an old friend and Shevington Cons bowler sadly died last week. He will be missed by bowlers and local ramblers. Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

15/07/19    Sad News email from Henry Hunter, "I have just returned from holiday, I have been informed that Alan Hamilton of Ashton Rec B has passed away and will be sadly missed by all the Rec players. His funeral will take place on Wednesday at St Thomas Church at 1.30pm. We have cancelled our match with Abram Pens. Regards Henry. " Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

08/07/19    Sad news from David Garswood, "Brian Dix died today. Brian was captain of St. Aidans A team in the CMS League about 2 years ago. He will be sadly missed." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

08/07/19    Ken Addison's funeral is on the 17th July at St. Anne's Church, Beech Hill at 1.00pm. Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

07/07/19    Sad News from Stan Thompson, "Sorry to say that Ken Addison died last Sunday 30th June. Ken was Captain of Newtown Cons B for a long time." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

03/07/19    Have you got a great lawn then you NEED a great Lawnmower. FOR SALE "ATCO 20" Cut, Mowing Machine, Split Roller, 6.5 hp Briggs & Statton Engine. Very Good Condition. £800.00. (mention that you have seen this advert on SHEVIBOWLS and get £100.00 discount). Contact Gordon Darbyshire on 07787-101246." Thanks Chris. H.

22/06/19    Update from Harry Butler, "Funeral for Ralph is on Wednesday 26th June, 12.30pm at Charnock Richard Crematorium." Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

04/06/19    Email from Harry Butler, "Sorry to report that Ralph Banks died on Saturday. Ralph played for Shevington Village BC and played numerous years for Hinds Head BC. A lovely man." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

More sad news from Brian Fairclough, "Wilf Raby died on Sunday. Known by everyone and anyone who bowled on Newtown Con Club green. He will be sadly missed." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

14/05/19    Email from Miles Farrimond, "One of my Alexandra Park club members is missing a Thomas Taylor bowl which he suspects has accidentally been picked-up or 'substituted' during a recent league match.  The bowl is easily identifiable and Its description is below...

Thomas Taylor (Composition) 2 Pounds 8 Ounces, Yellow Mounts, Outer Mount inscribed 'Elsa' .. 

Can any bowlers with similar equipment please check to see if they have accidentally acquired the above bowl and, if so, contact me on my mobile no. 07751 845838 ... I will be happy to call and collect it from them on my club members behalf...Thank You !" Thanks Chris. H.

09/05/19    Email from Bill Garner, "Funeral arrangements for George Gaskell are, 11.00am St Catherine's Church on Tuesday 14th May 2019. thanks Bill." Again deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

01/05/19    Sad News email from Bill Garner, "Hi Chris, sad news , George Gaskell has died , he enjoyed his bowling and despite his health problems would turn up and support the team and very often played when perhaps he shouldn't have. He will be sadly missed not only at our club but by all who knew him. As yet we don't have any details , I will advise later. Thanks Bill." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

19/04/19    Sad news. Shevington Conservative Club, (Long Time) Chairman, Alan Duffy died last week. His funeral arranged for Friday 26th April at Charnock Richard Crematorium 3.30pm. after back to Shevington Conservative Club. Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

13/04/19    Email from Keith Whalley, "Please amend Shevibowls for contact Bispham A, delegate and captain from J Forshaw to myself K Whalley tel no 07422-515266, also I'm now secretary for Bispham bowling club. Cheers Keith." Thanks Chris. H.

31/03/19    Email from Maureen Perkins, "Frank Perkins funeral arrangements are Wigan Crematorium on Friday 12th April at 11.30. We will then be going to Shevington Conservative club and our bowling friends are welcome to join us. Thank you Maureen." Thanks and again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

28/03/19    David Beckett funeral arranged for 2.15pm on Tuesday 2nd April at Mount Zion Independent Methodist Church, Enfield St. Wigan. WN5 9LH and then 3.30pm at Charnock Richard Crematorium. Again Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

25/03/19    More sad news from Maureen, "Frank Perkins sadly died on Saturday 23rd March. He had been ill for many years but he passed peacefully in his sleep." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

21/03/19    Sad News from Ken Moffitt and Ken Sinclair, "David Beckett sadly died this morning. Dave was one of the rare breed of bowlers who always gave up his time to help bowling clubs by being a Team Captain, Club Secretary or League Vice Chairman. He will be sadly missed." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

16/03/19    FOR SALE "ATCO 20" Cut Mowing Machine, Split Roller, 6.5 hp Briggs & Statton Engine. Very Good Condition. £800.00. Contact Gordon Darbyshire on 07787-101246." Thanks Chris. H.

15/03/19    I have recently had a computer breakdown, Very frustrating. I contacted Phil at Software Solutions Wigan Ltd a great young gentleman, fixed it within 3 hours. Highly recommended. Thanks Chris. H.

19/02/19    Email from Michael Ryding, "I've heard today that Frank Naylor has sadly passed away. I think last Friday. I know that he's not bowled in the Wigan Leagues for a number of years since he moved to Lowton. For a lot of years Frank bowled in our local leagues. For Wigan Subs in the Orrell League. For Sacred Heart in the CMS. For Garswood Hall in a few leagues and I remember him bowling in the old Labour Club League. He will be remembered for running the big Pagefield Bowling Competition which at that time attracted a lot of the top bowlers and was a qualifier for the televised Bass Masters. He had been ill for a few years. I don't know any further details but I will let you know when I hear more." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

17/02/19    Email from Roy Liptrot, "A vacancy has arisen in the 4th division of the Hindley and District Men’s Bowling League. (Monday Night). Anyone interested please ring Roy on 07831695239. Thank you Chris. Regards Roy." Thanks Chris. H.

12/02/19    Sad news Email from David Winstanley, "The funeral of Alan Robinson (captain of Pagefield Miners Hindley league Monday nights) will take place on Friday 15th February at 12.30 at St. Johns Church, church street, Pemberton. WN5 0DT. I don't know which other local leagues and teams  he played in but will be sorely missed. David." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

08/02/19    Email from Jimmy Glover, "Please find CLICK HERE updated registration form with new prices, would you please spread the good news. Cheers JG." Thanks Chris. H.

06/02/19    Dennis Thorpe funeral is on Monday 18th February at Howe Bridge Crematorium, . 11.30am. Again my Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

01/02/19    More sad news. Email from Martin Costello, "Unfortunately, and rather suddenly my next door neighbour Ralph Mounfield died on Monday 21st January. He had been playing bowls for Mesnes Park B Team for some years and was still going to continue this year as far as I was aware. His funeral will be on Friday 8th February at 9:45am at St Thomas' Church, Warrington Rd, Ashton in Makerfield. I have spoken to his Sister in Law this afternoon and she said it was fine for me to let you know and if you could please relay these details to the Mesnes Park bowling club if anyone would like to attend. Regards Martin Costello." My Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

01/02/19    Sad News. Lancashire Treasurer Dennis Thorpe died this morning. Funeral arrangements not known. My Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

27/01/19    Safeguarding courses available; 2 at Tetley Walker BC , Garswood & Simms Road Labour Club, . at 11.00am & 3.00pm. Ken Moffitt (who has Call Guardian on his phone) 01942-235954. All courses require

26/01/19    Email from John Wogan [johnwogan@blueyonder.co.uk] at St. Pauls BC, Goose Green., "We are trying to field another team in the churches league next year if you know of any players wishing to join it will probably be Tuesday night. They don’t have to be great players the team we are envisaging is a team who just want to play bowls and learn in the meantime there will be no pressure on them to win. Regards John Wogan." Thanks Chris. H.

15/01/19    Sad news update, Eric Johnson's funeral is on Monday 21st January. 2.00pm at St. Wilfrids, Standish. Afterwards at Wigan Subscription Club. Again My Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

07/01/19    Sad News to start the year, "From Harry Butler, Derek Bennett Hinds Head , Shevington Cons & St Anne's and John Sudworth Ashton Rec  A passed away. John's funeral is 1400 hr 15/1/19 @ Wigan Crematorium. Also from Alan Hammond, sad to inform you that St. Wilfrid's have lost 3 members of the club last week. Alan Banks, his funeral is on Monday 7th January at St. Wilfrids, 11.00am. Tom Grimshaw, his funeral is on Friday 11th January at 1.30, at Pleasington crematorium, Blackburn and Eric Johnson (Orrell league & Wigan Pensioners) Arrangements to follow when available. Regards  Alan Hammond (secretary St. Wilfrid's B.C.)." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

07/01/19    Email from Ken Moffitt, "Have managed to get another course in the Wigan area. This will be on Saturday 2nd March and hopefully will be at Garswood Labour Club starting at 11.00 am. This will definitely be the last one, so could you please put it on Shevibowls with my contact Number:- 01942 235954. There are some 25 clubs who have not responded so far, so please stress the urgency of it. I know  15 they have said 15 maximum, but they are going to stretch to all of them. Cheers, Ken." Thanks Chris. H.

29/12/18    Email from Ken Moffitt, "Both the Safeguarding Courses in the Wigan area are FULL." Thanks Chris. H.

21/12/18    Sad news from Tony Roscoe, "Derek Seddon from the Bellingham BC sadly passed away on Wednesday. His funeral is on Tuesday 8th January at St. David's church, Haigh, at 11.00am." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

21/12/18    Regarding Safeguarding, this is the letter sent to League secretaries. Safeguarding Notice Nov 2018.pdf . Chris. H.

10/12/18    Email from Jim Downham, "I regret to inform you of the passing away of Bill Fairhurst, a much respected member of our Great Acre team. Please include Bill on your obituary list for the AGM. Funeral is at St Catherine's Thursday 13th. 10.30am. Regards Jim." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

07/12/18   The Safeguarding Course info. Email from Keith Andrews, "These are the dates of safeguarding courses that are at present available to clubs.

First 15th December at 2pm.  A few places still available at Horwich RMI.

Second,  Sunday 6th January at St Matthew's, Highfield at 11am.

Third, Saturday 12th January at Ince St Mary's at 11am.

When the DBS Forms will be filled in on production of a Passport or Driving Licences & National insurance Number. If they want to attend a course, please contact Ken Moffitt or Keith Andrews, Lancashire Secretary. All questions on safeguarding will answered. Regards Keith." Thanks Chris. H.

23/10/18    Email from Bill Garner, "I am very sad to advise the death of Jimmy Aspey. His funeral is 2.00pm Thursday 25th of October at St Patrick's Church Wigan. Jimmy was a very popular member of our bowling club and will be sadly missed. Apologies for the very short notice . Thanks Bill." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

18/09/18    Email from Gary Nelson, "Its with great sadness to inform you of the passing away of Bob Halliwell. Bob was a real gentleman and will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Although Bob has not played for a number of years he was a popular player in the churches league for St Francis and for the G.P.O. Engineers in the workshop league of which he was a former chairman. The funeral service will be held at St Francis Kitt Green at 12.00 on Monday October the 1st. Thanks Gary." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

02/09/18    Email from Brian Duffy, "I have received a text from Derek Shoebridge, acting Captain of Castle Lane BC in the South West Lanc's Pensioners Lge requesting that the members be informed of the death of the club Captain  Lynn Rimmer's" wife " Janet" last Tuesday 28th  August. She was a popular figure at the Leagues Presidents Day held each year at Tarlton BC. The arrangements for the funeral service will be held on Wednesday 12th September commencing 11-15am at St James Anglican Church Westhead Ormskirk L40 6HG;  12-15 at the West Lanc's Crematorium L40 7SP returning to Skelmersdale Cricket Club WN8 8TY for those who may be able to attend. Thanks Brian." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

27/08/18    Sad News email from Harry Butler, "Jim  Morris sadly passed away on the 15th August. He bowled for St Bernadette's C and Hinds Head/ Whitehall Pensioners. The Funeral is at St Catherine's , Scholes, on Friday 31st August at 1300 hr." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

24/08/18    Email from Kenneth Moffitt, "Missing bowl of Jim Daley; bowls for Royal Mail in the workshop league and Mesnes Park 'A' in the Wigan pensioners league. What happened was that after a match, when he got home, he found that he had odd bowls. One was 2lb 8oz and the other was 2lb 4oz. He normally bowls with the 2lb 4oz. I hope you can help in finding the person with the other odd set. Cheers, Ken." Thanks Chris. H. All sorted thanks for the help.

23/08/18    Email from Brian Duffy, "Sad News. I have received a message from Les Shaw informing me of the death of Peter Hitchen who was a very valued member of the Pemberton Bowling club for many years, being in his 90's, and also well known throughout the local leagues. His funeral service is being held at 1.00pm on Friday 31st August at Orrell Post Methodist Church, Orrell Road. Orrell (corner of Broxton Avenue) regards Brian." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

16/07/18    Email from David Winstanley, "The funeral for Bernard Molloy is on Tuesday the 17th of July at 12.00 Noon at Sacred Heart Church, Springfield." Again, our Deepest sympathies from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

11/07/18    Email from Kathleen Mulvaney, "The funeral for Tommy Mulvaney is on Thursday the 19th of July at 10.00am at Sacred Heart Church, Springfield." Again, our Deepest sympathies from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

05/07/18    More sad news from Kevin Johnson, "Bernard Molloy and Tommy Mulvaney have died." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

05/07/18    From David Hopper, "Funeral for Billy Downall is on Thursday 12th July, 1.00pm at St. Aidan C of E Church, Billinge."

28/06/18    Sad news from David Hopper, "Billy Downall died this morning in hospital. Billy played for Holts Arms A in the Orrell League. Funeral Arrangements to be announced when known." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

01/06/18    Email from Roy Welsby, "It is with great sadness, that I inform you of the death on Thursday morning in Hospital, of John Harrison, long time stalwart, and greatly valued Treasurer and member of Platt Bridge Pensioners Bowling Team, for many years, John, has been the guiding light behind our team, and will be greatly missed, RIP John, and thank you for your invaluable contribution to our team, over many years. John's funeral is to be held at St Mary, Ince, Monday June 11th. at 12.45pm, followed by celebration of his life, at Spring View Community Centre, Marlborough Ave. Many thanks, Roy W." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

23/05/18    Email from Michael Fishwick, "Wigan Council in partnership with Butts Bridge tenants and residents group have restored and re-opened a bowling green in Dootsons Park, Leigh, WN7 3AE. Could you please promote the bowling green on your website, I have attached a photo of the green. Regards Michael." Thanks Chris. H.

01/05/18    Sad news from Nicky Shaw, "It’s with great sadness that we report the passing of a Garswood Hall bowling legend, Brian Derbyshire.  Brian represented the club for many years helping the team win numerous trophies and was one of the greatest bowling characters our club has ever known. Brian’s funeral will take place on Tuesday 8th May 12.30pm at St Thomas’s in Ashton and then onto St Helens Crematorium at 1.30pm.  Following this service it will be back to  Garswood Hall where I’m sure many lovely and amusing tales will be shared about the great man himself." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

29/04/18    Bispham Hall Open Men's Pairs in September.

20/04/18    Email from the Red Cross (Click Here). Adult Enquiry Form. Thanks Chris. H.

19/04/18    Sad news. Bill Cox died earlier this week. This is a picture I have of Bill & Barry at St. Patricks Bowling Green in September 2012. Everyone in the Wigan & District Crown Green Bowling Leagues and the pubs and clubs with bowling greens will miss the two together celebrating their individual winning matches. Bill's funeral is on Thursday 26th April at Abram Parish Church at 12.00 noon. Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

07/04/18    Informed that Derek Taberner funeral is at 09.45am on Wednesday 11th April at St. Matthews (Highfield) Church. Thanks Chris. H.

24/03/18    Sad news. Dave Beckett phoned to say that Derek Taberner, Orrell & District Bowling League Treasurer, died today at 7.30am. Derek and Teresa have suffered for a considerable time and are in my prayers. My deepest sympathiesgo to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

19/03/18    Sad news. Brian Jones phoned to say that Sean Hanley has died. He was a tower of a man and did everything to keep St. James' bowling club strong and healthy. He will be missed by all bowlers in numerous bowling leagues. Funeral will be at St. James' church on Wednesday 28th March at 10.30am. Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

02/12/17   Sad news from Derek Hall and  Denis Flanagan, "Alan Pallett has sadly died. He passed away in hospital on 14th November. He played for Mesnes Park 'B' Pensioners (Team Capt.), St. Andrews and Pagefield. His funeral is on Wednesday 13th December at St. Mary's, Wigan Lane.  12.00pm." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

08/11/17    Email from Keith Andrews, "Hi. Some sad news Mr Len Higginbotham died last week. Father of David. He played for Lancashire for a long time & was very good.  I will a send card from Lancashire. Regards Keith." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

13/10/17    Email from David Atherton, "St. Helens Churches League - From Harry Smith (harryandviv@hotmail.co.uk) Just to let you know that one of our players Dorothy Carlisle sadly passed away this morning, 04/09/17. I will inform you when I hear any funeral arrangements. We are deeply saddened by the news of Dorothy Carlisle's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and her family. Please contact Harry for more information." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

13/09/17    Sad news. Bill Latham died on 5th September 2017. His funeral is on Monday 18th September at Charnock Richard Crematorium at 10.00am. Was a lovely man and worked hard for Crown Green Bowling at the Ravine BC. Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

04/07/17    Email from Denis Flanagan, "Denis here from Mesnes Park BC. Sadly I have to inform you of the passing of Joe Fairhurst, treasurer and member of our club. He passed away on 28/6/2017 and a cremation service will be held on Monday 17th July at 1pm at Charnock Richard Crematorium. Could you please give him a mention in the 'Obituaries' at our next meeting of the Pensioner's section in Sept.. many thanks, Denis." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

25/06/17    Email from Lynn Bennett, "I am Frank Leonards sister in law.  The family and I would like to thank everyone for their tributes and kind thoughts and messages regarding Franks  sudden passing. His funeral will be held at St Francis church, City Rd Kitt Green at 2.30pm Friday the 30th June followed by a service at St Helens Crematorium.. All are welcome at the services We will be  celebrating his life afterwards at Bispham bowling club and hope you can join us. We request family flowers only. Anyone wishing to make donations. These will be given to Wigan Hospice. I can be contacted on 07717 215716 or by e mail lynnben@hotmail.co.uk ." Thanks Chris. H.

22/06/17    Email from Gary Nelson, "Its with great sadness to inform you of the sudden passing away of a very good friend Frank Leonard on Tuesday 20/06/2017. Frank was a real gentleman and will be sadly missed by all who new him as he was a very popular player in the Wigan bowling leagues having played for St Francis and the Heinz clubs for a number of years. I will inform you of the funeral arrangements as soon as I know." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

29/05/17   Email from Harry Butler, "Just to inform you Jack Westby from Westhoughton S & S Reform Pensioners passed away on Monday the 22nd of May. Bob Lowe. " Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

25/05/17    Phone call from Bernard Molloy, "Sad news; George Bootle died last night. George hadn't bowled for a while (Sacred Heart C) but was always present to watch bowling on the Pagefield." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

25/05/17    Email from Harry Butler, "Carl Crossland's funeral is 11.00am on Thursday 1st June at St. Thomas the Martyr Church, Upholland." Thanks Chris. H.

17/05/17    Email from Bill Garner, "Jimmy's arrangements are 7.00pm Rosary Thursday 25th May.  170 Darlington St. Wigan. Funeral will be at St Patricks Church 2.00pm Friday 26th May. Apologies to anyone who heard 12.00pm on the Friday, just to confirm 2.00pm Friday 26th May." Thanks Chris. H.

15/05/17   Email from Brian Rigby, "Sad to confirm that Gordon Shaw has passed away on Sunday 7th may on his 91st birthday. Gordon was very well known in bowling and in his youth, football circles. He played for Old Springs, Triangle Valve and Garswood Hall. A gentleman he will be missed by many. His funeral is on Thursday 18th May; 11.30am at St James' Haydock then to St Helen's crematorium. A buffet is at Haydock Con club. Thanks." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

13/05/17   Email from Michael Ryding, "Unfortunately I am the bearer of bad news. It is with great sadness I have to inform you that Jimmy Whyte has passed away. As you know Jimmy is well known around the bowling community and especially the CMS League for many years. No funeral arrangements as yet. I will keep you informed." I do not know what to put here as Jimmy and myself go back a few years. All of us will miss a great friend. Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

04/05/17   Email update from Brian Duffy, "I have been informed that the funeral service for Jack Byrne will take place at 10-30 am on Tuesday May 9th in St Cuthbert's RC Church, Sherwood Drive, Pemberton, Wigan.  WN5 9QN regards Brian." Thanks Chris. H.

02/05/17   Email from Harry Butler, "Sad to tell you Carl Crossland died on Sunday 30 April after a long illness." Deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

29/04/17   Email from Brian Duffy," It is with deep regret that I have to inform you of the sudden death of Jack Byrne from Pemberton Conservative Club, at home, on Thursday 27th April. I will let you know later as to the funeral arrangements. Jack was well known in the bowling fraternity and will be sadly missed by all his colleagues and especially at Pemberton Cons. Regards Brian Duffy." My deepest sympathies go to all family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

19/04/17    Email from Bill Garner, "Jack Taylor's Funeral will be 10.0am Friday 21st April .St johns Catholic Church Wigan." Thanks Chris. H.

03/04/17    Sad news email from Bill Garner, "Jack Taylor passed last week. He was a stalwart at St .Patricks Bowling Club, going back to the 1970 s. Needless to say he will be greatly missed. We are waiting for details for his burial etc. and I will notify you later." My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

30/03/17    Email from Nicky Shaw, "Please see a poster attached for a project that we are running at our club starting on Friday 7th April and every following Friday which is being opened by Jenny Meadows.  It’s open to anybody in the borough and I’m particularly looking for help from bowlers who would be interested in volunteering to help with bowling tuition. If anybody would like further details they can contact me on 07900315274 as I am the Project Manager of this new and exciting venture. I would appreciate if you could put a link on your page so people can access the details of the project. Thanks and kind regards Nicky Shaw, Club Secretary, Garswood Hall Bowling and Community Club, Nicol Road, Ashton in Makerfield, Wigan. WN4 8LU." Thanks Chris. H.

30/03/17    Sad News from Barry Whitton, "Cyril Bamber died on the 18th March. He played for Pemberton Cons, Highfield Gdns and Orrell YMCA. Funeral is at Salem Methodist Church on the 3rd April at 2.00pm." Deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls.

19/03/17     Sad news; Norman Lowe died last Sunday morning. His funeral is on Thursday 23rd March at Wigan Crematorium at 3.30pm then to the Unity Club, Standish. My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. 

14/01/17    Sorry to start the year with sad news. Email from Brian Rigby, "Paul Poree (Whitehall Pensioners) died on Sunday Night. Paul's funeral is at 2.00pm on Wednesday 25th Jan, Charnock Richard Crematorium." My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls.  I must say that Brian, myself and everyone we have spoken to have been deeply shocked at this news. Paul was one of the few men that quietly got on with life, would help out in anyway he could. A lovely man. Chris. H.

14/01/17    Catching up from before Christmas, I have had my emotions explode over such a short holiday period. Laughed and cried; deaths (too many) and births (congratulations Katy). I hope 2017 is full of laughs for everyone but I know this is not true to life. Hopefully fewer tears of sadness. Email from Mary Latham, "Sad news, Harold Peet passed away on the 23rd Nov. Harold played for St Andrews in his early bowling career, he also captained St Andrews mixed team for many years and played for the Bellingham. Harold was a true Gentle Man and will be missed so much by his family and many friends. His funeral was on Friday the 16th December at 12`oclock at St Andrews Church. Thank You Mary Latham." I am sorry for the lateness posting this sad news my deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls.

13/11/16    Sad news; Bernie Barwise (St. Matthews, Highfield) and Clive Uniake (Newtown Cons) both died recently. They will be missed RIP. My deepest sympathies go to the families and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

23/10/16    Returned from a lovely holiday in Cyprus; here are the news updates. Sent by Nicky Shaw, "Wigan League Pensioners Presentation Day pairs held at Garswood Hall.  Winning pair was Fred Anderton and Henry Butler who beat Peter Shaw and Philip Robinson 21-15."

Sent by Francis Calter, "Sad news that Gerry Wilkie has passed away last Wednesday. Gerry was very instrumental in the formation of the Abram pensioners bowling club, also the same with Abram Parish bowling teams, and the Bucks Head bowling club, he will be sadly missed by all, R I P." My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls.

20/09/16    Jim's funeral is at 11.00am on Tuesday 27th September at St. Cuthbert's then on to Wigan Crematorium.

18/09/16    Sad news from Barry Whitton, "Very sad to have to inform you of the death of Jimmy Lowe. He was a member of Newtown Conservative Club Bowling Team for a long time and will be sadly missed. I will inform Shevibowls of the Funeral arrangements." My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

08/09/16    Email from Roy Welsby, "Very sad to have to inform you of the death on 5.9.2016,of long standing stalwart of Platt Bridge Pensioners bowling team, Arthur Pilkington, Arthur hadn't been well recently, and passed away on Monday, RIP". Thanks Chris. H.

03/04/16    Follow-up Michael Ryding. "Mark's funeral is at Ince Parish Church on Friday 8th April at 12 noon." Thanks Chris. H.

29/03/16    Sad email from Michael Ryding, "It's with real sadness that I need to inform you of the sudden passing of Mark Taylor from St Pats. Mark was a real nice guy and a very popular member of our bowling teams and will be sorely missed by his family and all who new him. Mark in his youth used to play Rugby League for Salford. I will inform you when we have any funeral arrangements." My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

26/02/16    I received a really nice email. "My husband + I met David Hawkins at Thomas Linacre  last Thursday. We are from St Helens + have never met this man before. He recited a few poems to us whilst we waited to be called in. He told us about Shevibowls + his poems, which we have found amusing. Please convey our kind wishes to this gentleman, he was a breath of fresh air + a little Ray of sunshine. Kind regards  Jan Gerrard." Personally I think our resident poet should be sponsored by the National Health and his books available at clinics and surgeries. As it is, they are not, but they are on sale at Wallgate Station and The Novel House, Royal Arcade. Thanks Chris. H.

16/02/16    John's funeral is on Tuesday 23rd February at Charnock Richard Crematorium, 1.00pm. Chris. H.

12/02/16    Really Sad News. A really good friend died yesterday, John Mercer. John was a great man that spoke with actions not words, very rare indeed. If it hadn't been for John, Shevington Cons Bowls Section, the fantastic bowling green and surrounds, would not exist as it does. He worked tirelessly on the flagging, digging sumps etc. and helped as the treasurer. He never made excuses, just got on with it. He was Captain of the Shevington Cons C bowling team and bowled for St. Anne's B team. Always a gentleman. My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

06/01/16    Sad email to start the year from Michael Ryding, "Sorry to inform you that a couple of St. Pats bowlers from over many years have unfortunately passed away over the New Year period. They are Jim McLoughlin and Frank Johnson (who was well known as " Tricky "). Jim's funeral is at Charnock Richard Crematorium at 1-00 pm Wed 13/1/16. Frank's is at St Pats Church 11-00 this Friday the 8th Jan."  My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

07/11/15    Email from Harry Johnson, "Sad news Alan Foster passed away on Monday 02/11/2015 Alan played for Alcan and St Jude's the funeral will take place on Thursday at St Matthews church at 2 o'clock." My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

08/10/15    Email from Catherine Dow, "I have visited the Shevibowls website and noted the entry about my father's death on Sunday 4 October. Thank you for advising the bowling community, who meant so much to him, of his death. We do now have details of his funeral. It will take place at St James RC Church, Orrell at 10.30am on Wednesday 14 October with a committal at St Helen's Crematorium at 11.30am. Refreshments will be served after the services at St James Social Club. Best wishes Catherine Dow." Again, My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

05/10/15    Email from Brian Duffy, "Sad News, unfortunately I have to inform you that Big Terry O'Brien of Pemberton Cons Club passed away last night , Sunday, in hospital after a long illness.  He was aged 79 and played for various teams in the Wigan area leagues. No arrangements as yet. I will keep you informed. Regards Brian Duffy." My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

25/09/15    Email from Michael Pearce, "I'm the Secretary of the Fleetwood Hesketh Club, Southport. We would like to offer Saturday and Sunday bowling trips to our club for Spring/Summer 2016. Check out our website www.fleetwoodhesketh.com." Thanks Chris. H.

17/09/15    Sad News. Ken Speakman (Old Springs etc.) died recently, his funeral is on Friday 18th Sept. at St. Catherine's, Ince at 9.15am. Also Tony Baldwin (St. Cuthbert's etc.) died on Monday 31st August. His funeral is on Friday 25th September at St. Matthews, Highfield. 11.30am. My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

16/05/15     The funeral of Brian Heyes will take place at 1 pm on Thursday 21st May at Wigan Crematorium, and family and friends are invited back to St James social centre following the service for 2pm. Dad played in most of the Wigan Leagues, and for many of its teams, but will be known best for playing for Heinz, St James', Holts Arms and more earlier Pagefield and Swinley Labour club. Thanks and again deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends. Chris. H.   

12/05/15    Sad news email from Steven Heyes, "My father, Brian Heyes, who many of the older bowlers will know as he played in nearly all local leagues like myself. He died on the 7th May aged 80, quite peacefully after suffering from Dementia for several years.  He loved bowling and made hundreds of friends whilst doing so as I did as well. Dad played for many teams in the Orrell League most recently St James' as well as The Holts Arms, the Old Springs and the Pagefield, and probably many more." My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

16/01/15    Email from Louise McCreery, "The funeral for my Dad - Bill McCreery will take place on Tuesday 20th January 2015 at 1.45 pm at St Mark's Church, Victoria Street Newtown, WN5 9BN followed by refreshments at Newtown Conservative Club (the church is close to the Alexandra Park Bowling Green, Newtown).  Those who wish to attend are most welcome & will be much appreciated. Many Thanks Louise." Thanks Chris. H.

06/01/15    More sad news. Email from Louise McCreery, "Message from Brain Fairclough it is with sad news that I have to inform you of the passing away of Bill McCreery on 26 December 'Boxing Day', Bill has been a very long standing member of Newtown Conservative club & bowled for both the Newtown Conservative A team & the Pensioners league & well known across the Wigan bowling circuit, he will be sadly missed.  His daughter Louise will be in touch with the funeral date, though it is known the funeral will be held at St Marks Church Newtown, date to be confirmed."

I had a couple of photos of Bill and Louise has cleared them for the website. My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

06/01/15    Sad news to start the year. Informed by Terry Randall that Gordon Whewell died in November. Gordon played for Ashton 'A' pensioners. My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

01/11/14    Email from Denis Flanagan, "Sadly, one of our long standing members, passed away on 11th October, his name was Ken Merrill, and could you please give him a mention in your secretary's report. Many thanks, Denis Flanagan." My deepest sympathies go to all the family and friends from all at Shevibowls. Chris. H.

13/09/14    Sponsors wanted for all Bowling Clubs, Leagues, Competitions and Lancashire County Matches & Competitions. This is a great way to show off your company skills to all and keep this fantastic sport alive. Thanks Chris. H.

27/06/13    Email from Jenny Ramsdale and Congratulations and picture from Moreen Price. "Congratulations to the ladies from Wigan who bowled for Greater Manchester county vets team in the BCGBA county vets competition at Severnsides bowling club in Shrewsbury. They won it in style beating Dudley and District in the final. All bowled superbly all day. Well done the golden girls." Thanks Chris. H.

21/06/13    A friend has just started on her own as a Travel Counsellor. I can highly recommend her. Check out her website. www.travelcounsellors.co.uk/clare.owens or email clare.owens@travelcounsellors.com or call Clare 01257-752510. For all your holiday bookings. Thanks Chris. H.

20/03/13    Sad news Tom Gill, he was 100 years of age, died last Friday. He will be sadly missed by all at Hinds Head BC and the Robin Park indoor bowling fraternity. His funeral is at Crooke Methodist Church on Friday 22nd March at 1.30pm. My deepest sympathies go to family and friends; from all at SHEVIBOWLS. Chris. H.

07/02/13    Email from Val Bonikowski. "Can You help us at all in 2013. Think Ahead Stroke Group offers help to Stroke Survivors, their families and carers across Wigan and Leigh to improve the quality of their lives by providing friendship, information, advice and education together with opportunities for interaction with other members by organising outings, respite breaks and appropriate social activities. We have a large group of members (60-70) who meet twice a month in the afternoon at St Peter’s Pavilion in Hindley and my task is to find new and exciting activities for them to watch or participate in. Perhaps using our venue as a practice session for your group for 45 minutes to an hour maximum, could this be something you could help me with? I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Val Bonikowski, Activities Co-ordinatorThink Ahead Community Stroke Group. Registered Charity No: 1128934. 28 Leigh Street, Wigan, WN1 3BE  |  Tel: 01942 824 888  |  www.think-ahead.org.uk . Thanks Chris. H.

25/10/12    I have a new baby grand-daughter Ivy Rose Higham born 9.33pm. 7lbs-8oz. Congratulations to Mark, Lucy and Olivia Higham.

24/12/11    From Pat Roscoe "Hi all at SHEVIBOWLS, thought you may like to see what we get up to on our bowling holidays in Tunisia  Bowling In Tunisia 2011 Pictures Cheers Pat Roscoe." Thanks for the insight, Chris. H.

07/12/10    Email from our distinguished Poet, Dave Hawkins, "Hi Chris my new book is out, it is called One Hundred Smiles, and it is on sale at Wallgate Station and The Novel House, Royal Arcade."

Dave sent me a copy and I will publish some of the poems in the New Year but why wait until then? Go and buy your own copy or buy one for a friend, make a great Christmas gift. Thanks Chris. H.

29/01/09   Here's a picture of my son and grand daughter, taken after Wigan Athletic had drawn with Liverpool.

23/09/08   Great news; I have become a Grand-dad . Love and best wishes to Mark, Lucy and New Grand-daughter Olivia Mai. Chris. H.

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