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Orrell & District Men's Bowling League 2025 Season


  1. The League shall be known as the ORRELL & DISTRICT MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE and is an honorary member of the Lancashire County Bowling Association.
  2. The League shall consist of any number of club teams and be governed by a management committee consisting of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary or combination of these.                                     
  3. The League shall consist of a Monday Night League and a Friday Night League forming two separate Leagues with one division on Monday night and one division on Friday night. (AGM2022). A player may register with a team on a Monday night and also be registered with a team on a Friday night, allowing him to play on both evenings. Season is to start and finish on a date decided by the committee.                           
  4. If any individual member or members of a club or team have a dispute with their club which is not a bowling concern; this will not be a matter for the league, or brought in front of the league or delegates at any meetings.        
  5. Any team raising an objection within the rules must do so within five days after the incident to the Secretary in writing, otherwise the objection will not be considered.
  6. Any team objecting to an Executive decision will have 14 days to appeal in writing to the Secretary in order that the matter can be dealt with by the Appeals Committee.
  7. The Appeals Committee will consist of one member of the executive, in a non-voting capacity, to act as Chairman and one representative from each division. Should any team in connection with a dispute or protest have a member on the appeals committee then they shall not be allowed to sit on the same whilst the dispute is in progress. The decision of the appeals committee shall be final.                                                                         
  8. The Annual General Meeting will be held in December each year. For the consideration of any rules and bye-laws, elect Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Fixture Secretary, (or combination of these) for the coming season, pass the yearly accounts and any other matters necessary for the efficient running of the league. Any team not represented at Annual General Meeting will not receive any presentation money.                                                                
  9. No bye-laws or laws in connection with the running of the league shall be altered, rescinded or added without the consent of the majority of those present at the Annual General Meeting. In the event of a split vote the Chairman will have the casting vote. Notice of any alteration of rules or bye-laws must be given in writing to the Secretary 28 days previous to the Annual General Meeting. 
  10. Any team desirous of becoming a member of the league must be duly proposed and seconded and submit a list of players when applying. They must be a member of the Lancashire County Crown Green Bowling Association or their own County and all team members must be a registered British Crown Green Bowling Association member.   
  11. Team representatives must attend all meetings.     
  12. The entrance fee for each team will be decided at the Annual General Meeting each year and fees MUST be paid to the Treasurer by the March meeting. £50.00 (AGM2024)
  13. Any outstanding fines, which should have been paid previously, will be withheld from the team’s prize money if not paid.
  14. Home team captains shall forward results cards no later than seven days after the match.
  15. Teams may consist of any number of players who shall be bona fide male registered members of that team, with 8 (AGM2021) players to play in each match. Registrations of players must be sent or given to the fixture secretary and notified of his B.C.G.B.A. membership number. (Registration is extended to all season).
  16. (AGM 2010) One point to be scored for each individual win. Matches will be decided 2 points for HOME win, 3 points an AWAY win, 1 point HOME DRAW, 2 points for an AWAY DRAW. In case of a tie for divisional championships the team with the highest aggregate difference will be the champions.
  17. (AGM 2010) Visiting teams to be allowed 15 minutes practice prior to start of the match, Home players to stay off the green during this period. The visiting Captain may practice for 15 minutes within the 30 minutes prior to the start of the match i.e. with the Home team. Only the winners of Division 1 are to be handicapped (in the LEAGUE) minus 8 for every home game. If won in consecutive seasons, or still in receipt of a handicap, 8 points to be added up to a maximum of minus 40.
  18. A minimum of 4 blocks must be on the green at all times. Where a green normally accommodates 5 blocks at any one time, and this facility has been indicated on the teams registration form, then the 5 block format will apply to any match on that green.
  19. Best individual Merit winner, AWAY wins only, will be decided from the league records of results. In the event of a tie on the number of wins, the best aggregate difference will determine the winner. (AGM2022)  
  20. Matches must not be postponed for any reason other than inclement weather. Any cancelled game must be played as soon as is possible, with the Home team giving the visiting team all the dates when the green is available. From these dates a mutually agreeable date and time should be set and the Fixture Secretary advised. Failure to fulfill the fixture may result in BOTH teams being awarded NO points. Visiting teams must turn up in all weathers.
  21. Any team who postpone a match for any reason other than rule 20 will have the match awarded to their opponents.
  22. Matches may be brought forward at any time throughout the season.
  23. (AGM 2024) Start times of Matches to revert back to commence no later than 6-30pm in April, August, September, October and no later than 7-00pm in May, June and July. Floodlit greens to start at 7-00pm all season. (AGM 2023) Teams with floodlights are marked in the FIXTURES with an (F).
  24. No member of the visiting team shall be allowed to practice on their opponents green on the day of the match (OTHER THAN FOR A PRE-ARRANGED FIXTURE).
  25.  Any player arriving later then one hour after the scheduled start time will not be allowed to play.
  26. All matches to be played under the laws of the British Crown Green Bowling Association unless stated or provided for in rules of the Orrell & District Men’s Bowling League.
  27. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasure and Fixture Secretary, or combination of these, shall form the Executive Committee and have the power to deal with any matter not provided for in the rules.

Not applicable until further Notice (AGM2021)

1.      (a) Monday and Friday night leagues will have their own main K/O cup competitions. A Supplementary Cup competition may be played (as decided by the Management) by the losing teams from the first round of the Main Knockout Cup.

(b) All member teams will be drawn in their own K/O cup competition.                                    

(c) (AGM 2010) Cup matches to be handicapped for all rounds including the Final as follows: Division One Champions from previous season Scratch, all other teams to handicapped at the rate of 3 points per position lower in the League. See handicaps in your handbook.

2.      A team that wins the Main Knockout Cup with a handicap start, the following season they will revert back to a Scratch start.

3.     (AGM 2009) A player must have played in 2 league games, to be eligible for selection to play in any quarter final, 3 league games to play in a Semi-Final and 4 league games to play in a Final. (AGM 2019) Teams playing ineligible players will be disqualified from the competition.

4.      Teams to consist of ten players, five playing at home and five playing away.                                   

5.      Away teams to be allowed fifteen minutes practice as per rule 20.    

6.      In the final the complete teams of ten players will play on a neutral green, both teams will be allowed a practice of fifteen minutes each.

7.      Substitutes will be allowed but opposing captains must be notified before the fourth game commences in all rounds up to the final. In the final, substitutes will be allowed up to the eighth game.

8.      Cup matches are decided on total aggregate Home & Away scores. In each of the matches, the team with the highest aggregate score will be the winners. In the event of a tie the following order of elimination shall apply:-

Tie on aggregate                                          the team with the most winners

If still a tie                                                 the team with the best winners

If still a tie                                                 2nd, 3rd, 4th best winners etc.

9.      If a club has two teams in the competition or a team shares a green with another team and both matches are arranged to start at the same time, then two games from each team must be on the green at the same time

10.  Any rule not provided for, shall be governed by the Lancashire County Bowling Association competition rules, and shall be final.

11. The first round of the Main Knockout Cup and subsequent rounds of the Starbank Cup & Knockout Cup will be ascertained by the League Executive. 


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Thanks to Steve Blaymire for the "All But!" Crown Green Bowling League Data System. which is used to publish the results seen on this site.
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